Evolution video clips 10. Astronomy 10.1 The big bang 11:40 10.2 Star formation 5:11 10.3 Galaxy Formation 5:11 10.4 Our special sun 6:47 10.5 Our created moon 3:57 10.6 Unique place in the universe 4:00 10.7 Unique Solar System 6:17 10.8 Did the UV have a beginning? 7:43 10.9 The universe is finely tuned 3:45 10.10 Age of the universe 6:23 11. Biology 11.1 The cell and DNA 5:07 11.2 Life by chance 10:13 11.3 Mutations vs Design 9:58 11.4 Natural Selection 11:41 11.5 Molecular Machines 5:31 11.6 20 seconds of silence 5:30 11.7 Amazed at my blindness 5:12 11.8 Simplist cell has 300 proteins 2:09 11.9 Simple cell forming by chance 2:18 11.10 Irreducible Complexity 5:18 12. Geology 12.1 The Geologic Column 2:57 12.2 Erosion 10:45 12.3 Mountain Erosion 2:29 12.4 Why & how Geology changed 8:15 12.5 Lessons from Mount St. Helens 12:13 12.6 Planetary heat & magnetic fields 7:33 12.7 Volcanoes 4:22 12.8 More to come 0:00 12.9 More to come 0:00 12.10 More to come 0:00 Go Back
10.1 The big bang 11:40 10.2 Star formation 5:11 10.3 Galaxy Formation 5:11 10.4 Our special sun 6:47 10.5 Our created moon 3:57 10.6 Unique place in the universe 4:00 10.7 Unique Solar System 6:17 10.8 Did the UV have a beginning? 7:43 10.9 The universe is finely tuned 3:45 10.10 Age of the universe 6:23
11.1 The cell and DNA 5:07 11.2 Life by chance 10:13 11.3 Mutations vs Design 9:58 11.4 Natural Selection 11:41 11.5 Molecular Machines 5:31 11.6 20 seconds of silence 5:30 11.7 Amazed at my blindness 5:12 11.8 Simplist cell has 300 proteins 2:09 11.9 Simple cell forming by chance 2:18 11.10 Irreducible Complexity 5:18
12.1 The Geologic Column 2:57 12.2 Erosion 10:45 12.3 Mountain Erosion 2:29 12.4 Why & how Geology changed 8:15 12.5 Lessons from Mount St. Helens 12:13 12.6 Planetary heat & magnetic fields 7:33 12.7 Volcanoes 4:22 12.8 More to come 0:00 12.9 More to come 0:00 12.10 More to come 0:00